

Where are you? I'm in the beautiful beach in Cancún What's the weather like? It´s sunny day Who are you with? I'm with my parents and best friend What are you doing? We are lying down on the sand  Simple Past


Present Continuous https://youtu.be/ceOFHttlDMQ Questions https://youtu.be/cv3s9ODr678 Question https://youtu.be/nNa2DbC0Pb4 What do you remember about your first pet? https://youtu.be/zwhJdumbcYE


What’s the weather like? -- ¿Cómo está el clima? It’s sunny (está soleado) It’s windy (está ventoso) It’s cloudy (está nublado) It’s snowy (está nevado) It’s rainy (está lluvioso)   Grammar: Present Progressive or Continuous We use it to express actions that are happening in this moment, actions that are in progress.   I am teach ing . He is runn ing in the park. We are study ing English.     Structure: Subject + am/is/are + verb in base form + ing + comp. She is study ing Mathematics. Verb to be: I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are Negative form: I am teach ing . (-) I am not teach ing . (-) I ’ m not teach ing .   He is runn ing in the park. He is not runn ing in the park. He is n’t runn ing in the park. He ’s not runn ing in the park.   We are study ing English. We are not study ing English. We are n’t study ing English. We ’ re not study ing En